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Accueil > Archives > Séminaires : Septembre 2008–Juillet 2012 > Programmes des séminaires 2009-2010 > Workshop Seminar "Early Modern Mathematics"

Workshop Seminar "Early Modern Mathematics"

Organizers : David Rabouin and Sébastien Maronne


The monthly workshop seminar “Early Modern Mathematics” is devoted to the reading of treatises in mathematics and in philosophy of mathematics of the early modern period.

The seminar is held in french and in english.

The meetings are devoted to a collective and detailed reading of texts presented by a researcher which deal with a given topic.


The seminar is particularly intended for young scholars : Ph.D. and master students.

Schedule 2009-2010

Meetings will be held monthly on Wednesday, 10-13h in Paris, Université Paris Diderot, site Paris Rive Gauche, Bâtiment Condorcet, salle 412B Rothko.

- Wednesday 23 September, 10-13h : Cartesian style and the method of indeterminate coefficients”.

Sébastien Maronne (SPHERE-REHSEIS et CERHAC-CIBP) and David Rabouin (SPHERE-REHSEIS)

- Wednesday 14 October, 10-13h : “Constructions and equations in early modern geometry”.

Sébastien Maronne (SPHERE-REHSEIS et CERHAC-CIBP) and Andrew Arana (ANR chaire d’excellence “Ideals of Proof”)

- Thursday [!] 5 November, 10h-13h : “Pascal’s Triangle Arithmétique”.

Dominique Descotes (CERHAC-CIBP)

- Wednesday 2 December, 10h-12h30 : “The interpretation of induction in early modern mathematics”.

Sean Walsh (ANR chaire d’excellence “Ideals of Proof”)

-  Wednesday 27 January, 10h-13h : “Isaac Barrow’s mathematics and philosophy of mathematics”.

Antoni Malet (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)

- Wednesday 10 February 2010, 10h-13h [! change of date ! change of room ! exceptionnally, 437A-Alechinsky] : “Descartes et le De Solidorum Elementis”.

This seminar is in french.

André Warusfel (Inspection générale de mathématiques)

- Wednesday 28 April 2010, 10h-13h [! change of date !] : “Newton’s Geometria Curvilinea : from the mathematics of the De Analysi to those of the Principia

Massimo Galuzzi (Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Matematica)

- Wednesday 19 May 2010, 11h-17h :

11h-13h, session 1 : “Guidobaldo’s Mechanics and the Question of Mathematical Principles.”

Maarten van Dyck (Universiteit Gent)

13h-15h, Lunch

15h-17h, session 2 : “Optics without Hypotheses : Kepler’s Optics between Natural Philosophy and Mathematics.”

Sven Dupré (Universiteit Gent)