Accueil > Archives > Publications 2000–2008 > Ouvrages parus 2003-2008 > Worlds of flow
Worlds of flow
Olivier Darrigol, Directeur de Recherche, Equipe REHSEIS (CNRS, Université Paris 7), Oxford University Press (2005)
A history of hydrodynamics from the Bernoullis to Prandtl
Book description : The first of its kind, this book is an in-depth history of hydrodynamics from its eighteenth-century foundations to its first major successes in twentieth-century hydraulics and aeronautics. It documents the foundational role of fluid mechanics in developing a new mathematical physics.
It gives full and clear accounts of the conceptual breakthroughs of physicists and engineers who tried to meet challenges in the practical worlds of hydraulics, navigation, blood circulation, meteorology, and aeronautics, and it shows how hydrodynamics at last began to fulfill its early promise to unify the different worlds of flow.
Richly illustrated, technically thorough, and sensitive to cross-cultural effects, this history should attract a broad range of historians, scientists, engineers, and philosophers and be a standard reference for anyone interested in fluid mechanics.
Dans la même rubrique :
- Des coléoptères, des collections et des hommes
- L’analogie dans la démarche scientifique
- Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences
- Les mathématiques dans la cité
- La Quadrature du cercle. Un problème à la mesure des Lumières
- Expounding the Mathematical Seed : The Supplements, A translation of Bhâskara I on the Mathematical Chapter of the Aryabhatiya [Volume 1 : The Translation et Volume 2 : The Supplements]
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- History of mathematical sciences - Portugal and East Asia III - The Jesuits, The Padroado and East Asian Science (1552-1773)
- Formación de cultura científica en Colombia. Ensayos sobre matemática y física
- Newton et les origines de l’analyse : 1664-1666
- Nombres : éléments de mathématiques pour philosophes
- Philosophie, science, histoire. Michel Paty et le Brésil, en hommage pour 40 années de collaboration
- Tablettes mathématiques de Nippur
- Estudos de filosofia e história das ciências biomédicas
- Voyage à Montbard
- Buffon - Œuvres
- Les forces vitales et leur distribution dans la nature. Un essai de "systématique physiologique"
- Aux origines de la biologie moderne : L’anatomie comparée d’Aristote à la théorie de l’évolution
- Histoire d’une question anatomique : la répétition des parties
- Retours sur l’affaire Sokal